The Meticulous Re-movalists.
Prepacking Services
Pre-packing before the move

Pre-packing all the small items and clothes into boxes can often take longer than the move itself.

If you haven't pre-packed before, give yourself plenty of time. Start at least a week or so before the move, and read our tips in the hints section.

If you are short of time we can send in our pre-pack team on the day before the removal to finish the job for you.

The whole key to success is to use plenty of sturdy boxes and lots of loosly crushed paper to fill the gaps and provide cushioning so that nothing can rattle inside.

Please note that our Transit Protection options exclude damages in cartons you have packed yourself, as we haven't controlled the packing process. and although its unlikely, liability can't be accepted where, for example, someone fills a whole box with loose plates and no packing at all.

If you are packing yourself, you can order cartons and materials from us, or go to a nearby self storage centre.

Following is our list of rates for the supply & packing of various carton types:

Picture Cartons
1040 x 75 x 775
Book|Wine Cartons cheap Book Cartons
405 x 300 x 430
Standard Tea Ceast Cartons cheap Standard Cartons
400 x 400 x 600
Porta Robes PortaRobes
595 x 475 x 1100
Ideal for keeping your pictures and mirrors in perfect condition Sturdy and great for books and heavier items The Tea-Chest: Best all round packing carton Portable wardrobes - the best way to transport your hanging clothes

Below are our rates (AUD) for the supply & or packing of various carton types:

Book cartons: Cartons only $2.50; Supply and Pack $12.50
Standard cartons: Cartons only $3.50; Supply and Pack $18.50
Picture cartons: Cartons only $4.50; Supply and Pack $12.50
Porta Robes: Porta robe only $18.50; Supply (Loan) and Pack $18.50
(Porta Robes Can be supplied on the day on a loan basis if requested in advance)
(Minimum Carton order: $55.00, Includes metro delivery. Minimum pre-pack charge: $185.00)
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